Hello there! Whoever it is that might be reading this blog post. As you may notice it is my first blog post… ever! I have opened this blog for some reason I’m not sure of, but mainly just to have fun. I do not expect people to read my posts but I sure wish someone will. As for what I will be writing here, I am not quite sure yet I’ll just go along with whatever I am inspired to write. The title of my blog is “Always a Bright Side” (as you may already be aware of). It’s a little concept I am trying to live on. Which basically consist not on ignoring the bad or negative aspects of life but rather recognizing them and realizing that there is also a bright side to everything, choosing to focus on the good instead. I hope to reflect that message on my blog posts one way or another. As for now I leave you with a picture of my face so that you are familiar with it (haha) and I really do think you are amazing if you are reading this right now. Thank you :)
(this is my face)
nice face <3